House Cleaning w/ the House Manager

For all things relating to Life, the Arts, Love and more!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm a new uncle!!! ...and other thoughts

I know that I'm bad about posting blogs or keeping folks informed as to what's happening in my life... I'm sure not too many care. But it's with great pleasure that I happily announce that last Tuesday I became an uncle for the 6th time... 5 nieces and 1 nephew total (2 nieces and the 1 nephew by my brother's marriage last year) and this one is a new & beautiful niece!! Little Brenna was born 20.25" and 7lbs 7ozs with a ton of hair and looked pretty much exactly as her older sister, Julia, did 4 yrs ago. I'm happy to report that both baby and mommy (my sister Monica) are doing well! It was a very cool thing that this time I was actually there at the hospital for the birth vs. coming by later on as I had on all of my previous 2 blood nieces (I was in South Dakota when my brother's oldest, Marissa, was born in '00... and I was performing in Little Shop of Horrors when my sister's oldest was born in '03). I renew my vow to continue being the best uncle I can be!! The snow has was looking very pretty outside. Looks like the student matinee for 'High School Musical' will still be going on tomorrow morning unless we get some accumulation later tonight and the schools get cancelled. Anyone been watching the political debates recently? Interesting how so many contenders are dropping away, and especially prior to Super Tuesday next week. Demos are down to 2 (I truly didn't think any further candidate would drop out of the race until after next Tuesday...for shame Rudy No Neck and Plastered Smile Edwards!!), and from how the biased media plays it out, we're down to 2 for the Elephants. It made me angry watching the Repub's debate last night at the Reagan Library b/c it seems Huckabee and Paul where almost shut out of the debate altogether, or when they were asked something, their answers were cut off or shut down in deference to McCain and Romney. It was a prime example of how powerful the media has become in swaying popularity and public opinion ...regardless of who has the best qualifications to be President, the media ultimately decides who makes the best "ratings"...for the moment, it's the feud between Mr. Jowles & Mr. Grey Sideburns. Time will tell how it all plays out, and I'm eagerly awaiting tonight's Ms. Frowny vs. the new JFK debate. Funny how both parties, too, are inciting the ghost of Reagan...I didn't know he had come back from the grave to run for President thru the bodies of the candidates. I speak in jest, but never before have I witnessed more 'riding someone's coattails' than I have just recently. News flash for everyone: none of you are Ronald Reagan... very few Presidents in our history have had that kind of populist appeal, who knew how to speak well publically and could incite in the general populous to believe and move forward together. The debate is still out whether Reagan was a "great" president or not, but no one could deny his mass appeal as liked him even if you disagreed with him. Now granted that I've lived only since the time of Ford and I barely remember much about Carter's administration...Reagan is still whom I consider the essence of what and how a President should 'appear'. Clinton was a superb speaker, but he never had that ease in his speech, nor Reagan's one-liners (which are classic). This is all not meant to create political unrest or debate amongst those who actually might read this blog. Just food for thought. My last point is that I'm getting tired of squabbling factions w/in both parties saying someone isn't this enough, isn't that enough... reminds me of back in college when I wrote an MLK essay for a contest and I stated how I saw everyday how blacks and whites shunned members of their own b/c they weren't black or white ENOUGH. I applaud Obama for at least speaking the importance of WE being AMERICANS and not a divided mass of conservative vs. liberal, elephant vs donkey vs moderate vs independent (Nader's exploring another run at the White House). The US has some serious issues facing each of us...this is not the time, nor will it ever be the time, for who's right/who's wrong...the correct action plan incorporates parts from both Repubs and Demos... it shouldn't have to come down to "bipartisanship"... it should be about what's best for the United States of America. Super Bowl XLI: I don't predict scores... Patriots are going to win this one and go undefeated. Done, end of story. So...who's anxious to see what cool commericals we're going to see? That's truly the best part of the Super Bowl. ;-) OK...I'll stop for now... maybe I won't wait months between blog posts next time.

Monday, December 31, 2007

You'd be a 'dumb-ass' not to see this movie!!


From Dan Barnes in Longmont, CO:

Before I decided to write this review, I spent a lot of time looking at other online reviews on The Stitcher--checking out Google, seeing what other "experts" have to say (ScreamTV, B-Movie-Man, Rouge Cinema, among many others), researching the filmmakers, the cast, the storyline, etc. What I can say is that although everyone is entitled to their opinion and should freely express it, you should: 1) do your homework (as I did), 2) not review the movie if you haven't seen it, 3) proofread your reviews... no one will take anything you say seriously if you have spelling and grammatical errors all over the place, 4) not be overly harsh on certain aspects of the film and then not highlight anything that was good... every film has some redeeming qualities to it...just be realistic and constructive. Spouting all negative comments makes you into a "sour grape" who seems to have an axe to grind against the film or its cast/crew.

All that being said, here's some background on myself...I am 48-year-old husband and father from Longmont, Colorado...I don't know the actors or the filmmakers from Adam, but I can honestly say that I am a huge horror fan and enjoy the genre in all of its many facets. I heard through the grapevine recently that a 2-woman movie team from Tulsa did their 3rd feature film, all done in Oklahoma (it’s not all buffalo and teepees), all done with Oklahoma talent (known to be extremely talented…see Kristin Chenoweth, James Marsden, James Garner, and many, many others) and have won numerous awards nationwide for their previous film efforts. I went on the movie sites ( and and watched the trailers, saw the cast photos, did some online research on the actors (do a search on with pretty much any of the actors’ names), even rented the company's other 2 previous feature films (Toe Tags and Branded). I was impressed to the highest degree with what they've been able to accomplish thus far, especially in comparison to what other larger budgeted, larger crewed independent films have (or have not) done. So I anxiously bought The Stitcher with higher than average anticipation... and here is my review...

I’m not going to spoil the premise by mentioning every little detail in a synopsis (and as I side note to the “sour grapes” out there: if you don’t understand my wording thus far, then stop reviewing anything until you can intelligently have a dynamic and fair dialogue about it…and read a dictionary!), but here it goes… late 20/early 30-something hottie inherits a lake house from her recently-passed aunt…house is about the best thing going in this backwoods hick town…hottie invites long-time friends (which include other hotties and a few guys) to the lake house for a weekend of fun, sun and, eventually, a little death and mayhem. Legend has it that there is a killer nearby who has a weird deal about clothing accessories, folks in the town are standoffish, and the friends get picked off one at a time. Does anyone survive? Do we find out the background, the “why” behind the killer’s motives? Buy the movie and find out! OK...enough synopsis. Yes, the story isn’t far gone from other well-traveled and similar films (i.e. Wrong Turn, Hills Have Eyes, etc.), but it’s a familiar premise and one we can easily get involved in. Here’s the kicker, though…the killer has an edge to him, a new & interesting backstory, and a pretty cool look (watch the bonus featurette on the making of the film…very cool and insightful stuff). The premise of The Stitcher is based on true and actual events…surely they were probably enhanced and made to be larger-than-life for this film, but it’s not a distraction and actually kept me riveted to the screen trying to piece it all together. Darla Enlow and Dana Pike have set the stage for a fun ride, and you will be amiss to not enjoy it. In other reviews I’ve read (go ahead, search for them yourself), there have been complaints about the camera used, the angles of the shots themselves…listen up close to me now… I dare you to do better with whatever budget these folks had to work with!! I’ve seen my fair share of horror schlock (as have many of you), but this isn’t all that bad and for the most part quite an entertaining film. Every director has his or her own special style… Enlow likes shooting slightly off-kilter…like the whole movie needs a nice glass of V8. Watch her other 2 movies and you’ll quickly see that it’s her trademark so to speak. Get over it if it bugs you. The camera is fine, the shots aren’t grainy, the editing is nicely executed, the sound is naturalistic (ok, maybe a bit heavy on the farm animal effects and crickets) and the blood effects are passable. This is surely not a million dollar-plus budget movie, nor does it try to be, but I can definitely say that the film does a fantastic job of overachieving beyond its means (the very nice soundtrack and the opening / closing credit sequences to name a few specifics). Remember folks, this movie was shot and run with ONLY 2 CREW MEMBERS (Enlow and Pike)…given that fact alone, I can say “Well done!”

Let’s get into the acting… I can be honest in saying that overall this was the most naturalistically acted independent horror film I’ve ever seen. One review I read stated that this was the strongest ensemble cast they’ve seen in years…I happily agree. Sure there are moments when certain actors didn’t understand the intent of their characters given a certain scene, or fully be in the moment, but there is a very relaxed sense from the actors…I didn’t see “acting”…I saw characters! Side note to Celeste Cash, who plays the dim-witted but EXTREMELY HOT party-girl / restaurateur, Erin…I will say, though, that she plays dumb so well, you’d be apt to think she wasn’t really acting, and that persona doesn’t jive well with her being a restaurant owner, but see her in a bikini and you’ll forgive her. (My wife is going to kill me for liking her so much!) Many of the leads and major/minor supporting characters are stereotypical, but despite the lack of full character development in the script, the actors do a nice job rising above this and truly do create more than just cardboard cutouts on screen. There are more than a few of the actors whom I can see going on to even bigger and brighter things. More than likely, there will probably be someone in this cast that you can relate to or identify with: the tomboyishly hot female lead, Brittany, played well by Carmen Garrison…the protective, overworked city boy lawyer and male lead, Nick, portrayed with smooth charm and natural passion by Scott Gaffen…the yoga-involved vegan professional, Tamara (a scene-stealing Laurel Williamson)…the wise-cracking pothead music & filmmaker with a slight heart, Digger (a funny Justin Boyd)…his wife-whipped moviemaker BFF, Kurt, and his bitchy wife (and Digger nemesis), Michelle – played with appropriate bite and love/hate affection by Christopher Rowe and Heather Surdurkan, respectively. Another often-talked about character was the multi-married, directionally and time-challenged Danielle (played w/ crying intensity and I-am-the-victim-centeredness by Caroline Wright)…her short scene w/ Gaffen in the alley, for me, probably had the strongest connection and had the most intensity of any in the film, but you can tell without any doubt that all of these friends had chemistry, a comfortability, and a likeableness that translates well. This was the first time in many a film that I actually did care about the characters and what happened to them (whether good or bad). The townsfolk, although clichéd and trite, lend atmosphere and a backwoods flavor – the Bubba teeth notwithstanding – that posed a fun opposition to the straight-laced Nick and Brittany (with special notice going to Dana Pike as a hilariously over-the-top homeless woman who goes from ghetto black momma to Blanche Dubois in mere seconds!). As Sheriff Wallace, Craig Walter does a passable job, but his motives are unclear…I won’t give some specifics away, but without clearer character development (either from the script and/or the actor), I began to tune him out. A nice creepy job is executed by Greg Burns as Deputy Cedar… his character warmed up as the film progressed and winds up a focal point…shame he disappeared in Act III.

I’ll admit that costuming and make-up were slightly non-realistic but, again, passable…another review I recently read stated that not all rednecks have grease smeared all over them…but I have known some rednecks in my time and they are larger-than-life! Dirty--maybe, some missing teeth/Bubba teeth—sure, but not to this extent. And who thought up Nick’s hideous orange shirt in Act II??? I doubt an up-and-coming lawyer like Nick would wear such a shirt, but hey, my sense of style isn’t all that either! There’s a ton of fake blood to go around and although you don’t see graphic violence in this movie, you will get the gist. To those other reviewers who stated how lame it is that The Stitcher isn’t graphic enough, I find it refreshing that Enlow allows the audience to picture the killings in their own minds and put the pieces together (unlike the gore of Hostel and the Saw series, cool though they may be). Now I love gruesome as much as the next person, but the lack of gruesomeness in this is not a distraction…in fact you get to focus more on the characters and their actions versus the visual effects, and that is definitely a welcomed difference from today’s commercial horror films. Although I never sat at the end of my couch in wide-eyed wonder, I was always fully engaged throughout the film…a rare feat nowadays.

Locations, lighting & extras: I’m willing to bet that there were many options to adequately show “generic small town” in Oklahoma, and this movie does not fail in that regard. They say the town is small and pathetic but once was a pretty big deal back in the day. I saw both sides of that and never questioned or felt like something was missing from the locations. Lighting was fine but not stellar (at times too dim)… I’ll assume with more crew and/or more equipment, Enlow and Pike can provide even better quality in future endeavors. The special features and extras on the DVD were quite humorous and explained well the process of making this film without being boring. The bloopers were hilarious, and based on the company’s previous films, this is another trademark of Next Monkey. The “Carthage” comic book was a fresh touch, and after some research, discovered that “Carthage” was Next Monkey’s award-winning short film (also starring Scott Gaffen) and was the basis for The Stitcher. I hope to view it sometime soon, and I definitely look forward to more good things from Gaffen in the coming years (also a talented stage performer from what I have read). The music videos I could’ve done without as they weren’t very entertaining, but I did enjoy the music itself and what it brought to the overall film…special notice goes out to Calling Matthew’s “Living in a Dream,” which for me was one of the best ending credit songs I’ve heard in years, and RadioRadio’s “Butterfly” (particularly the first minute or so) as the movie’s “theme” song. According to the movie’s website, all of the bands were entries in a contest to be included in this film… an awesome idea and nice work and exposure to all of these worthy groups.

What I got most out of The Stitcher was that it was plainly obvious that everyone involved had a blast doing the film…and it shows in pretty much every aspect…a novel quality indeed, especially when compared to the big studio offerings. I enjoyed watching them have fun, and isn’t that what it’s really about in the end? There should be joy in creating horror and in watching it (not literally of course, but you get my drift)…this is a damn fine piece of filmmaking and a quite enjoyable experience to watch. I’m now a Next Monkey fan (are there any t-shirts or something I can purchase?), and I have been stitched to The Stitcher! I have a suspicion that Michael, Jason, Freddy, Jigsaw, Chucky and others have a new kid on the block, and he’s going to earn their respect!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

10 Rules to Surviving a Horror Film

Scott Gaffen / Nick "the Hero" Stein from the new DVD motion picture The Stitcher shows you how to stay alive and kick ass in a horror film!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 for Tulsa - National for Tulsa - National

Sunday, April 22, 2007

OMG!!! Has it been that long? You look fabulous!!!

I could give a thousand reasons why I haven't been updating this blog as of uh... well... a long time. But those of you who care and still read this or check in **crickets crickets** ... anyone? Bueller??? Bueller??? can catch all the updates and new things happening with me by searching for me on or on

Don't sing it!! Bring it!!

Miss you all...or no one I guess if no one actually reads this... :-)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Long Time, No Talk... or How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Hmmm...nothing from me since 1/3/ I don't have any excuses...just laziness I suppose...not that anyone probably cares or reads this anyway, right? **crickets** So much to talk about, so little time... so here goes:

LAUGHTER ON THE 23RD FLOOR--what an experience for me...a blast of a show, incredible audience response, and a nice review (I was noted for maintaining an effective Russian accent and that my characterization was clear). Lots of love from folks saying that they enjoyed seeing me back on stage (which only fuels the fire even more!). Next show I'm going to try hard for is The Outsiders in November (presented by Theatre Tulsa)...S.E. Hinton will be working with the cast and the should be a great opportunity...auditions should be early September. In the meantime, here are some promo shots from Laughter:

NYC & SAN ANTONIO--Went to NYC for the 1st time in April with my girl...stayed at the "legendary" Milford Plaza right in the middle of Broadway (remember the old jingle and commerical way back when?)...the hotel was pretty much a dump, to be honest, but we spent most of our time out and about exploring lower-mid Manhattan and seeing shows. New York has an incredible energy and it's all that one would imagine, and then some! Pretty much saw everything from Central Park south to Staten Island including the SI Ferry. It was freakin' cold though the entire trip (mostly due to the wind)!! Saw 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels' w/ Jonathan Pryce and NLB... awesome show!! Loved the movie originally, too, although I felt slighted in their portrayal of Oklahoma. **smirk** We also saw 'The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee' and I was selected as a 'guest finalist'...I made my B-way debut!!! So cool...I was performing in the show for about 25 minutes!! Had comments from nearby audience members after I 'lost', that I was an actual cast member, and got lots of love from the cast themselves on how I handled them and the stage...told them I was an actor myself and they should set up an audition for me!!! Great time! Two weeks prior to the NYC trip, my family went down to San Antonio (Texas, y'all) to see my sister graduate Basic Training at Lackland cool and we're all so proud of her and what's she's accomplishing. She had some tech training (for nursing) afterwards in Wichita Falls, and is now back in Lackland until November. She's also had the chance to visit home a couple of times so it's been good to see her. San Antonio is NICE!! Went to Sea World and saw Shamu, etc... great building infrastructure all around the city.

WINTER OLYMPICS--Ohno is the man, Bode is not...wasn't too much into it this time around.

FAMILY--Jeff and Candy's divorce went final in February...all is fine between them and Marissa is adjusting well...Jeff lives about 300 feet from me now and is enjoying being single for the first time in many years. Rick and Julia are doing their best w/ Monica gone, and mom & dad are plugging away...they'll be back in Vegas in September.

THE WEATHER--It's freakin' hot!!! Stop the insanity!!! I'm melting....melting...tsssssssss....

TV--Can't wait for the new season of House; still watch wrestling constantly, although I'm loving the UFC a whole lot more (go TUF4!); and my new guilty pleasure is Project Runway...I love the "drama"!! Mind of Mencia is also a great show!

OTHER--Numerous close friends got married this spring and summer...congratulations to them! Happy special-time anniversaries to FreakyDeaky. Other good friends had or having babies... mazeltov!!

SUMMERSTAGE AND THE PAC--The SummerStage festival is winding down (finally)...96 total performances since mid-June (i.e. South Pathetic, the Sorcerer, Little Barber of Lavapies, Babes in Arms, Bat Boy, Urinetown, Karaoke, Frog & Toad, and tons of cabarets) and over 500 usher slots coordinated by us house managers...add in the excellent run of Lion King (May 25-July 2) and it's been BUSY!! I'll be on vacation next week... not sure where I'll be going but it'll be somewhere away for a couple days at least! ;-) Time to prep for the upcoming Fall season stuff but it's all coming together nicely.

BUSINESS--Still going strong and well w/ eStar, but I've also just started an additional endeavor w/ the Eniva Corp and their flagship product, Vibe. There's nothing more important than one's health, and VIbe very well may be the "fountain of youth" lies and plenty of testimonials and scientific evidence to support it! I'll let you know more of the health benefits it's providing for me and others as time progresses (as well as the money!).

I think that's all for now...I'm sure I'll think of stuff I missed since it's been 7 mos!! Take care to all and thanks for the love

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year!!

Ah...2006!!! Unbelievable sometimes to think about it... when you're younger, it sometimes seems that the future might never come. Heck, I remember back in the day **Wayne's World hand-thingy** of wondering what the 21st century would hold for us all. The last 25 years (don't really remember too much prior to age 5) have shown us (remember the original Apple II?...ah good times!); the Internet (thanks, Al Gore! **rofl**); the proliferation of Wal-mart (admit it, you shop there, too!!) despite their good and bad effects on small business & the nat'l/int'l economies; Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, & Dubya; 2 Popes; the Falkland Island conflict, Panana, Iran Contra, Kuwait/Iraq #1, the OKC bombing, 9/11 & the current Iraq/Afganistan wars; Hurricanes Andrew, Georges, Katrina, Rita, Ivan, and don't forget about Tom, Dick & Harry; Generations X-Z (or whatever they call these young whipper-snappers these days!); Saturday morning cartoons to South Park, Atari 2600 to Xbox/PS3/PSP/GB/LSD/PCP/IOU/STD (and any number of other acronyms that you might think of), Rainbow Bright, Teddy Ruxpin, Pokemon, Rubix's Cube... anyway, you get the picture. Life is good, Foley is God, and some much more is yet to come...remember that computing power DOUBLES every 18 months... the Age of the Terminator is coming!!! Run for your lives!!!

I'm moving... not very far... just 1 mile from my soon-to-be previous residence... I can't argue or ignore a $200 savings in my rent per month!! It's all about cash flow, baby!! I'll also be only 2 buildings down from my brother once he moves out after his divorce is final. My sister leaves for Basic next month...

I start rehearsals tonight for "Laughter on the 23rd Floor" w/ Theatre Tulsa (running Feb. 10-12 & 16-18 in the Williams Theatre here at the PAC)... should be an incredible show...for those who are unfamiliar, the show is based on Neil Simon's time as a young writer w/ Sid Caeser's 'Your Show of Shows,' where he cut his comedic teeth along w/ the greats such as Carl Reiner, Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, Mel Tolken, & Larry Gelbart...this is his tribute to them and the great time they had...SNL, MadTV, etc. wouldn't be here w/o their groundbreaking work.

My girl and I will be headed to NYC in March for an extended weekend, see some shows, catch up w/ some friends & colleagues, and check out the sites. Auditioning this Saturday for a new movie about vampires...I'll let you know how that turns out. Did a recent photo shoot for Urban Tulsa's February Swimsuit Edition...I'll probably be on the cutting-room floor due to my cream-cheese white body. "Carthage" is wrapped and in editing and scoring now...should be completed sometime in February so I'll keep y'all updated. My oldest niece just celebrated her 5th b-day...quite the young lady! My youngest niece is probably the funniest person on this planet, no lie! My folks are already planning their annual Vegas trip!!! **smirk**

Lion King isn't far away folks!! May 25th will be here before ya know it... but in the meantime, circle the end of March/beginning of April for the 10th Anniversary Tour of 'Riverdance' (luckily w/o Mr. A-hold himself Michael Flatley/Flata**/Whatever).

A fairly light month at the PAC...The Tulsa Town Hall lecture series continues on 1/6 w/ Dr. Andrew Stangel, Chamber Music Tulsa's K-L-M Trio on 1/8, the OMEA All-State Concerts 1/20-21, Celebrity Attractions nat'l tour of The Will Rogers Follies 1/24-29 (one of my favorite shows), and the PAC Trust's presentations of the Berenstain Bears 1/27-28 and Armchair Traveler: Biblical Turkey on 1/30.


What 'Peanuts' character do you most associate with? Is 'Calvin & Hobbs' the greatest comic ever written or do you have a take that doesn't suck on this topic? War Da' Bears in the playoffs, the White Sox winning the World Series this past year, & TU winning the Liberty Bowl this past weekend! Romey, I'm out...RACK ME!!!